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Old 21-04-2016, 07:57 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Sarian
Sounds like what Jim Carrey did when writing himself a check for $1,000,000 and dating it a certain date and one day before the date on his check, he made $1,000,000 from Dumb & Dumber.

Anyway, it can be confusing. I listened to some Abraham-Hicks CDs in my car and found them very enjoyable and realized anytime I had gotten anything that seemed so far from within my reach, it was due to practicing what they talk about...I had been doing so unwittingly. But they tell you to say "I am". Now I have been listening to The Power of Intention" (I think that's the name) by Wayne Dyer in my car...he says to say "I intend", so it's all confusing Even in Abraham Hicks, there are discrepancies regarding I am...they will say if you say "I want" you are focusing what you don't do not say I want...but then other chapters they tell you to say "I want to have x, y and z and I want to be a writer..."...then another chapter again, they say do not say I want, say I am...Sigh..

It is hard to say I am when I am not right now. I just listen to my own self...I might listen or read things to understand my own experiences and perhaps learn more or enhance my own experiences.

A healthy scepticism never hurt anyone and often saves the unwary from falling into the trap of misplaced beliefs. There has been a couple of these latter-day gurus taken to pieces by cultural news outlets. One can't mention names here but the Guardian (newspaper) wiped the floor with a well-known "teacher" who has got pretty rich trying to teach people to believe things he obviously didn't believe himself.

Even this LOA thing. Trace it back to the person who first made big with it, Mme Blavatsky. Although she indeed brought to the spiritual world some important insights she's remembered more as a charlatan than a sage.

It's obvious LOA has its limits. It works for some people some of the time. One has to be careful not to confuse it with affirmation which is what it seems to be most times.

Well....I believe deep down that I'm an eagle. But I'm not about to throw myself off a mountainside to prove it....

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