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Old 20-04-2016, 01:03 AM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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It can be a little bit tricky in unexpected ways. Like today I was invited out with some people and we went to a cafe. They are not vegan. We all ordered toasted teacakes, and they arrived with butter. Now I didn't say anything and ate the butter. It would have been possible to have made arrangement to have margarine or have them dry in my case....but yep -I ate the butter. Didn't want to fuss about. And hadn't thought ahead before everyone ordered.
Sometimes being vegan just means a bit of forethinking and tweaking in simple circumstances like that which crop up.

A quick meal suggestion....some firm smoked Tofu sprinkled with Tamari and in a little oil, with curry powder, can be fried or in my case I cook them in a little mini-oven. Only takes 8-10 minutes. Meanwhile do some medium size vegan noodles or brown basmati rice whichever you prefer. (Noodles only take 5 minutes, rice cooks in about 20) Serve with watercress & avocado salad?....or steamed broccoli....anything you like.

Another one...(so quick, so cheap and so yum!) Baked bean curry....chop an onion finely, add sliced garlic and fry in your favourite oil until very slightly browned. Add your favourite curry powder or sauce. Chuck a can of cheap-o baked beans in there and heat 3 minutes more. Top with toasted sunflower seeds. You can eat this with anything you like, such as toast, chips, rice...whatever. You can have a green salad on the side....protein-rich and tasty.
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