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Old 14-04-2016, 09:47 AM
smilingsun smilingsun is offline
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Originally Posted by jimrich
IMO, the first thing to understand is why we attract or are attracted to antisocial folks in the first place and that investigation might take you back to those who conditioned you to be that way - starting with your parents.
Unless you know what makes you "tick", you may go from that relationship to another one just like it or even WORSE!
Your best defense is thorough self understanding and HIGH self respect so you are no longer so vulnerable to antisocial folks or other USERS - including your self.
There is a powerful reason why we get involved with an antisocial type!

Can you explain what makes some people attract P ? I 've read about but i'm not sure i totally agree, i think it's not as simple. P can fool judges, policemen and even psychologists like Picasso who duped Jacques Lacan and made him believe what he wanted. There are many famous P who are praised and highly considered by society. At work there is someone i think has strong P traits and i've noticed he's able to influence others very well and is liked by many who don't have yet understood the game he his playing.
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