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Old 14-02-2011, 11:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by star-child
Woaa I was literally just about to make a thread about increasing seratonin!

Here is some good stuff I found:

- All meditative activities raise serotonin levels.
Spend time in a natural place such as a forest, park, mountains, or seashore.

Prayer, meditation, positive visualization boost serotonin levels and your feelings of well being, relaxed concentration and peace.

Engage in low arousal, highly meditative and internal spiritual practices that relax you.

Try relaxing activities such as hobbies or crafts.

- Engage in exercise that increases your heart rate somewhat but not significantly.

Strolling, yoga, non-aerobic swimming, bike riding when done at least 4 days in a row a week will over a period of 60 days increase your baseline serotonin levels.

- Get out in the sun at least 30 minutes in the morning and for 2 hours throughout the day.

Sunlight burns off melatonin produced the night before. The presence of high levels of melatonin consumes serotonin. Sunlight suppressed the production of melatonin and allows your serotonin levels to rise during the day. Without the exposure to adequate natural light your melatonin levels will be higher and your serotonin levels will be lower.


Wow star=child
This is great info! I am a nightowl and I have to be sure to get enough sunlight to keep me spiritually balanced. I sometime wear yellow jade when I feel my sunlight exposure is lacking.
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