Thread: Black Magic
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Old 12-11-2006, 05:38 PM
Ascended Master
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by cweiters
Have you ever felt like someone was trying to harm you with black magic?
I have been to my GP, who referred me to a dermatologist, who then sent me to a neurologist, my last attempt to resolve this condition was an old witch doctor..
I currently have this condition in both my hands. This conditions changes, sometimes its a dark stain in center of my hands, it will itch at times, sometime it feels as if someone is sticking pins in my hand. There have been times I have seen a dark spot in the same place I felt the pin prick.

The old witch doctor's solution worked better than any of the medicine the doctors gave me, however this condition continues. I have also notice it will get worse when this certain man come around or call, Today my right hand is itching like crazy, I called his house today. I know you say just leave him alone. It’s not so easy he has bonded with my children. This condition started after our break up 2 years ago. I’ve been living with it since then. Can anyone shed some light on this subject?

Love to all

Yes I have cweiters.
And the pain you feel is what I have felt.

They tried working on me for 14 months and I'm still here, firmly as a being of light. There is nothing really to fear.
Unless we make matters worse for ourselves?

In my experience, if you fill yourself with love, they can't do anything that lasts.

Bring in the light, and fill yourself with love vibrance. Lighten your energy, as much as possible.

It can be hard, but keep going with it.

Beings (and people) like this are completely weak, because light is our nature?
And this is why they sneak around and pretend they are what they are not!

They are also very outnumbered...

Be head strong, and don't let negative thought creep in, and you will be just perfect.

It did with me, so I hope it will with you.

If not, let me know.

With love and light,


Last edited by Ascended Master : 12-11-2006 at 05:44 PM.