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Old 24-03-2016, 03:50 PM
Louisa Louisa is offline
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Hi Horace, I think that sometimes people can do more than cope, but sometimes they can only cope, .. There may be a point at which they can do more than just cope, but that might not always be possible. Yes, if one can totally heal, that is great. My own depression is stabilized. I believe there is a difference between feeling cynical and alone and being clinically depressed.

So, for example, it might seem I'm clinically depressed, because I talk of not having faith in humanity and not knowing if I can carry on without my relative.

But, I believe it's comparing apples to oranges.

Because, if your social needs aren't being met, that is not about depression. It's about social needs. It's about meaning and love that is needed.

It goes back to being too different from everybody else, and not being able to find people to relate to, despite best efforts, prayer, positive attitude, loving god, being still and meditating, letting messages come in from the divine, even having spirit beings who interact on a regular basis with you (as I do). But people still tend to need social company.

So, I have found a way to stabilize my depression. I'm not clinically depressed, much at all, but if my relative, who is my one living adult person who gives me a feeling that I'm less alone and that anyone really gives much of a darn about me.. If she's gone one day, then I don't know that I'll feel like living either.

I don't think that makes me "depressed", but it's more like, if your social needs aren't met, you might just not see the point.

I am still trying to solve this, my own problem, and find ways to make it so that spirit is enough to meet my social needs, and one day I hope to move somewhere I can try to socialize, and hope to find those who can accept me and support me, even if I'm "hard to relate to" for most. But because, yes, because I am hard to relate to for most, I might just not find that.

You can do things to become more relatable to others, but there's only so much you can do because personality is somewhat set, that is what I believe. It's not always changeable in ways that would make one relatable to others.

That is how it is. It's like the deformed chick who the others pick on and push out of the circle. That is life for some people, unfortunately. And those who haven't had that experience, often can't believe it, but it's true and me and my relative both know what that is. It's not always possible to feel like living or to care or to carry on, even with prayer, trying, hope, and all that good stuff. But maybe I'll find I can be happier alone, now, because of all my recently gained spiritual wisdom, and inner wisdom and coping methods and connection to spirit and all that.. Maybe.. I haven't tried living on my own yet, with all these newly gained tools.. I will see, if that ever happens.

But, that is my take on it. Based upon much personal experience.
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