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Old 24-03-2016, 01:29 PM
Louisa Louisa is offline
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Originally Posted by Louisa
Cynicism? Yes, but.. I mean? It's more than that, because it's like being a different species and no one knows how to care for you, like you belong on a different planet. That is how I felt. That I think might be how my relative feels? Not sure..

Whatever. Hm.

I think this is really important. It's about not feeling so lonely in the world. Feeling like one has found their passion and their calling. Feeling they have found what they can really love and throw themselves into (something that is a greater cause and involves giving back, to some extent - but it can also include lots of other things besides just giving back and service. Which I think most need the feeling of giving back to a greater purpose, to some extent, even if they don't realize it, .. That is what happened to me, like I said, though I was actually cynical about parenting and human nature too, but it changed gradually when I had to raise a child).

That, and yes, other causes of depression, which can be myriad.

But, for me not feeling so lonely and finding my passion, and finding my soul mates, and caring for them and having them care for me... Having them adore me, and see into the deepest good in me, even when I was struggling and my life looked pathetic and no one else understood.. (My "soulmates" were spirits, though, .. finally, in these last few years... Before that I had some real life in person soul mates, who helped, but then betrayed and hurt me badly).

That is not something that you hear when you talk about treating depression. It's not practical and scientific and clear cut answers. It's not down to earth. There is no guarantee of finding soul mates who adore you and see you deeply for who you are and shower you with love.

Oh, and the final missing piece, the crowing glory, was the energy healing I got from spirit.

But, I think I can take these missing pieces that I think are what she needs, and I can find a way to make them attainable, in non spiritual means.

Maybe.. Just still figuring out the hows.

Like, yes, the whole "I am smart", "I am good", "I am.."" this and that. That works for some. I don't think it would have worked all that well for me because I tried it and it was nothing like the spirit beings who helped me.

But I think maybe, getting more creative with it, tapping into subconscious more, without it being spiritual per se, maybe she'd b open to that. She's not averse to every spiritual thing, but to much of it. She will hear me talk about it, that's it (and she acts kind of bored, at that).
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