Thread: Black Magic
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Old 12-11-2006, 12:44 PM
Posts: n/a

I will continue to meditate on the return of what has been stolen from me.
This was good please allow me to tell you what happen:
In the beginning of my meditaion I felt as if a pin was sticking inside my right hear, now this was a new place to feel the pin stick. My spirit tells it can hear me coming. I ask the angels to protect me as I retrieve what is mine. I begin to feel myself floating away I also could feel pin sticks. I now feel them in new places my stomach around navel area vagina area, pin stick in left hand. As I am out for a while,I start to feel something return to my body as my body begin to jolt three jolts with a feeling of something being returned but with the return came this stinking smell very fowl. I asked for protection to help me keep and hold what is mine. I feel very weak and tired now I just want to lie down. Now instead of pin sticks I feel slight burnning in many places weak and tired right now.

[font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000]Love to all