Thread: Trumpet of God?
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Old 18-02-2016, 03:36 AM
Posts: n/a
Trumpet of God?

so, I decided to do a bit of writing today and when i got done with this part here:

"Allow me to explain, in subatomic particle terms, there are bosons. The Hebrew word for “glory” is Kabod; it basically means weight. In science it would be the mass of an object of matter. It takes the awareness of an individual to charge bosons in order for god’s glory to be shown. For God, it is who He is, His character and power. From one particle of light to another and to the macro of a gravity wave that dances with them to the music of God."

I noticed a loud sound from outside the house. I opened the door and heard it even louder. I grabbed my camera to see if i could capture the sound on it. i did, but not well. you have to really listen to hear it, but it is there. it lasted for about an hour. that rules out a train, unless it had its breaks on. but then again...for an hour or so?

any guesses? i am skeptical about it being the trumpet of god.
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