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Old 04-02-2016, 03:03 PM
Black Sheep Black Sheep is offline
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The gift of Sleep Paralysis...

Sleep paralysis, also known as REM atonia, often is referred to both the medical condition, as well as commonly used in layman terms in describing the state of "paralysis" induced during a WILD, which may produce a similar cluster of experiences though markedly less intense, spontaneous, etc. such as tingling, hypnagogic hallucinations(tactile, auditory, sensory or visual sensations), feelings of lightness, falling, etc.

The medical condition is a REM sleep parasomnia characterized by an inability to perform voluntary movements often associated with marked anxiety, fear, and occurs either at sleep onset (hypnagogic form) or on awakening (hypnopompic form).

It happens naturally, as a person is going to sleep, their body may feel paralyzed, though it doesn't affect the ability to breath, it may be a frightening experience. This is often confused with common dream images or sensations experienced while falling asleep. Though very different when experienced first hand.

It generally affects a minority of the population-7.6% general, more with sub-groups.

Personally speaking, I was on another forum, the thread was shut down in a heartbeat(taboo topic), but thought it was a fun topic to discuss openly. As someone who grew up with the medical condition, I understand how it can be confused with WILDs, and other such phenomenon. As a child, I thought of it as a curse...I literally feared going to sleep, the sensation of a shadowy figure touching me, the existential terror, the inability to move, etc. I developed techniques to fall asleep without experiencing SP.
>Wiggling till I passed out helped prevent it from occurring as I fell asleep.
>I discovered, it happened more readily if I layed in a supine position(flat on back) than say others. So modified the way I fell asleep. Though I would also wake up in SP.
>I also discovered, if I focused incredibly hard on say wiggling my toe, I could break the SP and move again.

It wasn't until I was older did I realize it was a gift. Now when I feel a dark shadowy figure nearby, I know I'm in a great state to LD. Some of the HH can be incredibly fun, I just changed the way I related to it, and my experiences began to change too. I've had many great adventures and opportunities for growth through this "disorder."

So my question is, if you have experienced SP, how so? And what gifts has it brought you?(And anything else you'd like to add)
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