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Old 17-01-2016, 07:54 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
It without senses seemingly partakes of the senses yet
it is detached in calm. No matter how real...

Blessings, Miss Hepburn.

Dear ones, though the world appears to be beset with hardship, understand that these are but unravellings of what no longer serves the greater good. All

unravellings are of the heart and mind, making appearance, is but the outer reflection of heart and mind. It is you inner belief that arises in a vain effort to

idealize those things that are unworkable, without love to back them up, and these crumble under the weight of truth. If you have built on a faulty foundation,

with belief and ideas that do not honor or uphold in oneness, then these will tumble. Be fearless in these transitions, for in truth, dear ones, all the old

structures must go. The illusion of the past have no place in your present moment and dissolve into nothingness. The plans of the few are but dreams of

division and your divine nature is one of unity. Therefore let these appearances go- they are a unsubstantial as sand castles built along the shore, and crumble

as the tide of love flows in. Let your motivation be love in all that you encounter; to love is to unite, to unite is to extend,to extend is to experience with clarity

and assurance that all is divinely inspired and carried out. The stagnant protests change, but life dear ones, is movement and change is life's movement. You

will once again learn to rely on what is your inner strengths and you will know once again what is of importance, and will easily let go of what can no longer

pretend to uphold the good of all. Dear ones, you all have a purpose and place here as you transcend the lesser and embrace the greater. The greater

shines in each of you as you make more room for love in your world and for each other. As you relinquish divisions and embrace in oneness, by choosing to see

what is divine in all being; you tear away the veil of ignorance and become witness to a design no longer hidden, but revealed in perfect glory for all to realize

and share. Babaji
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