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Old 15-01-2016, 03:19 PM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
Originally Posted by Michelle11
I am sorry you had upsetting experiences and I am sorry you were taught to fear them in the first place. Our parents can mean well but still affect us in good and not so good ways. I wasn't taught that it was evil just that it was my imagination and not real. When I was little I saw spirits flying overhead. Hundreds and hundreds of souls just passing by going this way and that like a freeway. Though some would fly through me or right at me and that scared me because it was dark and they seemed scary to a young child so when I cried out to my parents they would just tell me it was nothing and my imagination. Maybe it was or maybe I was seeing spirit. It stopped at some point and I actually forgot all about it until something someone said triggered the memory and it all came flooding back. And it was like I made this connection that the spirit world is right next to us when I previously was under the impression it was off up in the sky somewhere far away but being right next to us makes sense how our loved ones are all around.

Besides that, other than a couple of precognitive dreams about my neighbors, and the sense of knowing when someone has passed I haven't had too many paranormal experiences but I believe in the afterlife. I suspect there has to be one because otherwise there really doesn't seem to be any other point for us to exist and existence in general plays a big part in my life lesson this time around but that is for another story. Your gifts sounds quite fascinating to me. Not sure I have come across anyone who saw things that way. Pretty cool to me. My gifts are still more in the feeling realm but I am opening up my communications with my guides and higher through oracle cards, dreams and song lyrics. That is usually how I get messages to the questions I ask of them. Why I know it isn't necessarily me is I will get words or phrases of things I would otherwise have no clue what it meant and only see the connection once i look it up online. I think they do that so I don't just brush it off as mind chatter and take it more seriously. I would love it to be more visual like yourself at some point.

I am actually not sure how I found myself at this forum. I was going to others first and think I was led here by something someone said and I stuck around. I have always been very spiritual. Not religious just believing in a higher power. I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with religion, maybe some of the people preaching about it are a bit misguided in their judgments but for me it was too confining and sometimes contradictory so I just went searching on my own at a pretty young age and never stopped. It's a part of what makes me tick and for what it is worth there aren't too many people in my immediate world who know much about this side of me because they aren't into it so you find yourself at a forum online talking with people who get you. You won't be considered crazy here.
Thank you Michelle...those were some real honest and kind words. I think honestly, we stop tapping into those things at a very young age because we learn to not be open or sensitive to it. As we age, we forget that this ever happened. I mean, who really remembers anything before the age of 3-5 years? Even though we forget a lot of things, there is still a knowing on some level deep inside...that comes to the surface during certain moments where we still feel it, even though we have lost touch with it & can't remember logically exactly what it is. I do remember things, because I was sick & in the hospital for the first two years of my I was ripped away from my mother & put into an isolated baby unit with tent & oxygen. Those memories will always stay with me, but those memories also made it possible for me to remember more because it was the same time frame that I had these other memories.

I do understand the messages in songs. Right after my husbands grandpa's funeral...we were crying together...and that song "Dont Worry, Be Happy" came husband & I knew it was from him. My husband is not a believer in this stuff...the only thing he has for faith, is what he has saw me go through & tell him. He knows that I am not one to make up stories & plus, he was there the night my great grandpa died & witnessed the whole bell story.

I can tell you are very spiritual...and you have a lot of faith. You are very open to these things. I did that for awhile, but I shut down because of shame, not being believed & really thinking at times, that if I kept it up....I would end up o meds..cause they would make me go get on them, lol. They would start out somewhat fascinated & then quickly turn against me...but, they arent very happy people in it was just a way for them to attack me at their worst, too. There was a complete resistance to anything I said after that, and they would band together & preach the there own little coalition against me. lol, yet at times they would come to me for help if they had anything out of ordinary that happened to them. It would eventually be dismissed, like it never happened. I think the part that hurts me most, is that I shared this information with a certain level of trust, from one family member to another...expecting at the very least, to be respected enough to not go around telling everyone. My gifts are now known by enemies to be exploited/hyped up(jealous old friends & old exes) I know this came from the same family members that I confided in...because I never told anyone else. Another reason for me to shut down, I am a very private person...and my family knows this. I don't even have an account on social media...but just knowing what a few family members have done...just pushes me further away. Then again, maybe this is where I am suppose to be, idk...

I also wanted to say, looking back...there was a lot of signs & messages that I missed because I didnt realize at the time, thats what it was. We get signs, very subtle signs....that we dont even pay attention to. In hindsight, I now see a lot of very important messages that were subtle..if I had paid attention...things would have turned out better for me. I chose not to listen or looked over it. Also, these things will drive you crazy if you are always looking for signs. We can ask for things, but we shouldn't always be looking for signs...but we should pay attention when we notice something & not rationalize it away. Its there for a reason.

I really enjoy listening to you & reading your have a gift with words & being able to really understand other people. It makes a person feel good just to read your posts, even when they are not directed at me personally & I am reading someone else's post you are responding to, that I couldn't have expressed or said better....that kind of wisdom, sincerity & expression really affects us all...directly & indirectly. I am thankful you are here...Thank you, Michelle for taking the time out of your day to listen & respond, unbiasedly & honestly.

Last edited by Colorado : 15-01-2016 at 04:48 PM.
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