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Old 12-01-2016, 09:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Belle
about right?! It's on the money !!!!! Thank you so much. Yes older sister is the instigator. she bullies and manipulates. I keepa wide berth. I haven't spoken with her for years. It's sad.

The mother is bonkers. one of the most unhappy people I know, and the most genius game players and one of the strongest people I know. She behaves if I keep a distance and play hard to get. I don't know if she favours one over another, to be honest. I don't have contact with the siblings to discover that. The relationship is about managing her, not engagement. Sad. I don't have hope of resolution, I think it's too late for her, the damage she has is too engrained.

Thank you muchly and I hope you weren't too bored.

Haha no, not bored. Family dynamics are interesting. I can empathise on the mother issue. Mine isn't necessarily bonkers, but to say she is difficult is an understatement. My brother cut all ties with our mother 4 years ago but we remain close. My mother still hasn't forgiven me for not siding with her. Their argument, not mine, so I refuse to get involved.
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