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Old 10-01-2016, 08:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Michelle11
Sorry, I should have checked your profile. Odds are then that this is related to your personal emotional side. It may need some attention. Have you been feeling worn out physically and/or emotionally by life? Alternately, it is possible there is a psychic connection with your friend. Can you connect with her by phone or through social media? Maybe droop her a line and see how she is doing.

Thats ok, Michelle. I've done that. Thanks for the responses.
Yes, I have been feeling worn out but aren't most people? We lost contact so I'm not able to get in touch with her. If her face is a reflection of how I'm feeling why is it only her face that looks this way in my dreams? Everybody else looks like their normal selves.
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