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Old 10-01-2016, 12:03 AM
Energy Stream Energy Stream is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 35
Originally Posted by Rah nam
i don't want to get to much into this angelic write up.
In regards to the Archs there are seven of them.
In the above list, the first three are archs, and Gabriel and Uriel are not angelic they are Fae.
Lucifer is missing, even so he is not angelic.
My brethren always chuckle when they see lists of rankings.
The human conditioning.

Azrael would be an other Fae but yes
What I write isn't a product of human conditioning. As I said before I get my knowledge straight from them. No books or people but of course there's no way I can prove it to you and you seem firm in what you believe about them so we'll just have to agree to disagree
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