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Old 09-01-2016, 09:58 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Dear ones, rest in knowing that appearance, the play of light and dark is limited in its scope and therefore it is a play of finite props; a dream unfolding, upheld

by that which observes all. The absolute in stillness advances the wheel of life alone. Comprehension is always found at a deeper level where all contradiction

vanishes and divine purpose is revealed. The center of being is stillness; creation but the cog of unfolding images spun forth. Your true nature is stillness. It

hath no rivals or concerns. What of a dream concerns, once awakened? Dreams dissolve upon awakening, appearance comes and goes; what then is of

permanence? It is not the finite, thus it has no substance. It without senses seemingly partakes of the senses yet it is detached in calm. No matter how real

the appearance seems, remember dear ones, it is as illusive and unsubstantial as a dream. Just as the many scenes of the dream worlds are presented and

experienced, who in fact experiences? There is but one that experiences as the many, yet remains ever in stillness. Contemplate your true nature, it is

changeless, perfect, timeless, there is no other. To awaken while the dream persists, is to fully know the self as all, a knowing that dissolves all fears; how can

you be afraid of self, that changeless perfection that is all life? Distortion is reflected in the illusive dream only. To know the self as all, will wash away all conflict

all sorrows and one is freed of illusion. Mastery of life is simply mastery of the awakened state. When one steps awakened in each moment fully realized, fully

aware, life smiles unto life. Babaji
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