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Old 08-02-2011, 01:17 AM
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More Of A Simultaneous Life Rather Than A Past One

Originally Posted by Zaranais
Sorry if this has been discussed before, I've not read back through all the messages in this section.

My question is about the concept of "time." I've recently encountered more than one source that talk about time not really existing and saying that what we usually think of as *past* lives are actually all going on at the same time.

For some reason, this seems logical to me, and feels true. But I am wondering why many other sources, that seem to agree on lots of other particulars, still use the term "past lives" and still talk about "going back to earth"? Actually the entire concept of karma seems to indicate consecutive lives, and yet I somehow feel more drawn to the simultaneous concept.

Anyone else been pondering this?

Warm greetings, Zaranais!

I might tend to entertain the possibility of the 'simultaneous' also as I definitely do not believe in 'past lives' in and of itself. Those who think they had a past life may be recalling something they read somewhere about another person thus identifying closely with that person so as to assume the same basic traits, etc. such as to know pretty much all about them. It just makes absolutely no sense to think that we were someone else at some point in time in the past and that we did not learn our lessons back then and had to come back here as another person, perhaps even of another gender than before, etc. to make amends. And since neither Jesus nor His Mother Mary have experienced that, it is apparent that neither will we. They are still the same and Mary's apparitions, which have been carefully documented and photographed pretty much prove that point even after more than 2,000 years that she walked this Earth incarnate! So, returning as someone else and forgetting totally who we 'were' before is not something acceptable to we Christians.

While I know for a fact, Biblically speaking, that we have only ONE life and that is the one we are presently living, I tend to gravitate towards the hypothesis of a simultaneous life concept more than anything else since we indeed may have been gifted with the ability to know some things that can't be explained by ordinary means and it would seem to sustain the thought, at least in part, that one of our other subtle bodies (an auric or etheric extension of our physical body) may be experiencing things we cannot readily recall so easily in the physical, however could possibly recall under a different set of circumstances, somewhat like receiving spiritual information from another source.

Also, a possibility is the fact that we are also living in a dimension that is composed of an overlay of many other dimensions both above us and below us of greater and lesser vibration. And who is to say that somehow we are not also picking up the thoughts and actions of someone now living in one of those dimensions and subconsciously claiming it to be our own? I believe that to be possible as well since telepathy is the main form of communication in the world of Spirit coupled by the fact that there are many people right here in this plane of existence who are also well-versed in telepathic thought who could convey some of those thoughts and knowledge via the collective unconscious.

So, we might be picking up good information from one of those sources and in that regard, it could be called having a 'simultaneous life' so as to be able to speak somewhat intelligently about things not so well known to us in our everyday normal life.

Have a Wonderful day!

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