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Old 18-12-2015, 04:10 AM
engellstein engellstein is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 462
Originally Posted by joyfirst
But that is an interesting thing - it seems like it is best to be in hypnosis like state, where we are peaceful, but not something I would call strong emotion. It is a state without thoughts, kind of like being in the NOW. On the other hand I read, that when people watch TV, they get into hypnosis like state within a few minutes, and advertisement companies use it to their advantage, of course. One more reasons not to watch, although now youtube is becoming more and more full of advertisements as well.
How all of those things interplay to influence and program subconscious is very interesting.

Yeah, I guess if you get too theatrical it may bump you out of trance lol. But I've listened to programs that put you in at least a light hypnosis state and were impactful at the same time.

Idk, that's you're call on how you want to do it. I think the biggest rule of thumb is: do whatever works. If you're getting results and are happy with it then you're on the right track.

I'll throw in another point: sometimes it's good to shake things up. It's kinda like when you lift weights, if you do the same routine over and over and over you'll only make gains to a certain point and then "plateau". You have to switch routines up periodically in order to avoid that.

I think it works the same with the mind. It's good to hit your mind from different directions in order for things to stick.

But again, whatever works for you. If the money is flowing and joy is abounding and you're getting whatever else you want out of life then keep it up.
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