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Old 15-12-2015, 04:13 AM
mogenblue mogenblue is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Amsterdam
Posts: 472
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It took me a long time to get used to a plant based diet but now I am very happy with it. I do feel lighter and better because of my diet and this is a big and major improvement to the quality of my life. When I still ate meat it was as if a gray veil hung over me. It was the last thing before feeling depressed.

Lately I get this fascination with fresh coconut. Real fresh coconut has this kind of umami taste and I love it. It's such a great taste.

I think having a plant based diet doesn't so much improve my sensitivity but it's more that animal food no longer hinders it. I think I am now better able to be aware of what my personal sensitivity has to offer me then before.

The difference between animal food and plant based food in my feeling and to my health is now very obvious to me. When I still ate meat I couldn't grasp the meaning of it.
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