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Old 10-12-2015, 12:35 AM
jerseyguy77 jerseyguy77 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 34
the malevolent ones I'm dealing with, they are potentially deadly, they always try to push towards suicide, they're always saying "suicide is the only way out", I'm sure they've destroyed alot of lives. They might even try to spin it it to a person a different way, trying to convince a person that they're better off on the other side, it's more beautiful, they'd be so much happier, etc...etc.. they are masters at trickery and deception, they had me going for quite awhile, but luckily I met some others who have also dealt with them and they brought me back to reality , they're just Kool-Aid peddlers to me now, but they are very dangerous, I hope things work out for you and you're not dealing with the same type I am
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