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Old 09-12-2015, 02:46 AM
Klaatu24 Klaatu24 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 152
WOW -- have you all ever had (and are having) amazing experiences! Even though they're pretty scary sometimes. When my clairaudience opened up -- it was sudden and scared the bejeebers out of me. A man's really deep voice just made sounds so close to my ear, his breath moved my hair.

Once I stopped being scared of him and just went with the flow of what was going on, he started talking English, but it seemed like he was calmly talking with a lady about something they were doing, like they were in an office or something. So the talk went more along the lines of "the file," and "over here." Neutral things like that.

Since then I've heard lots of different voices, male, female, sometimes moving my hair with their breath, sometimes it seems like the voices are inside my head. Some are friendly, just saying my name. Some are not friendly, saying really mean things.

When the mean ones are around, I gather up anger inside me and yell (inside my mind), "Get out!" or "Leave!" I've heard it's a universal law that when you tell them to leave, they have to. And when I yell at them, they almost always leave.

Once in a while, a mean one still hangs around. I think they might have some sort of connection/karma with me. A friend said why don't you call for Archangel Michael, because he specializes in protection from the "dark side." I didn't think I could contact an Archangel. Especially since I'm not religious.

But I figured, what could I lose? So, in my mind I called to him, introduced myself and told him the situation. Then asked him if there were dark entities or spirits around me, could he please assist them into the light. And in about 15 seconds or so, I felt a bubble-like thing surround me and the mean spirits/entities didn't bother me after that.

Once in a while, the mean voices come back though. I wonder if I made more of an effort of visualizing light around me, if that'd make the mean ones not come through so often?

I've heard there are ways to close the different claires' when you want to. Like when giving readings to someone, you can close down the claires after a reading. Then you can open the claires back up when you're going to start a reading, or whenever you choose to. I'm not sure how to do this, though.

Maybe someone in the "Mediumship" forum would know how to do this? Perhaps you can ask there? (Or I could too, of course.)

Maybe there are different methods to shut down and open up the claires, you know, like different people would respond to different methods? Maybe googling would help to find these too? Maybe googling: close clairaudience temporarily.

But it sure sounds like we'd have a MUCH easier time if we could shut down the clairaudience whenever we wanted to.
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