Thread: Stichomancy
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Old 05-02-2011, 03:29 PM
Posts: n/a


Stichomancy is at least 3000 years old. You present a question about your life or a situation that needs and answer. You then choose a book. Most people use a book of poetry ,quotes, prayers, or sonnets or any one that has nice inspirational type things.

I use two small books that have inspirational and or meditational type things on one side and scripture on the other side. That way I don't have to slide my fingers around looking for what to interpret.
The books I use are small made so there is only one inspiration per page. If you do use a book with multiple items per page and side. Slide your fingers in and let the universe guide you to the correct spot. Then place your finger tip on spot on page to go to for the guidance.

You turn the book away from you..Spine upward facing you.

You then center and align yourself. I ask the question and any info I may have on the sitter or quarant, like name where they are located etc.
I then let my fingertps slide slowly across the underside of the page edges. I gently glide along and when it feels right or I get pinged I slide a finger in to sepearte the pages.

I then turn it upright and read the inspiration al piece. I then try to interpret if it has meaning for the question asked. If I continue to feel inspired I will connect the dots or sometimes just write what was foudn . It often will connec with the sitter but not make a bit of sense to me. I always then explain that to them as I can't imagine how it helped answer their question.They will see or feel what I didn't.

What I do not do is continue after I turn the book upside down if it all feels off. I dont just pick a page to get it over with. If the vibe doesnt sync..neither do I. lol

Another method of doing this is to go to a bookstore or the library...walk down the isle...If a book pulls you grab it and see if it will answer what is troubling you.

Method three is to take a book or the same books. Then hold it in front of you with one hand on cover and one hand on the back of it .
Let it fall open like free falling.Then look at what you have shown to you. See if it then will answer.

If none of these methods work then the answer is simply...Fate is in charge and it is not to be known to you at this time.
This is another alternate form of divination that takes no practice other then to learn to feel . And anyone can use it for daily guidance.

© Uhmar
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