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Old 28-11-2015, 01:25 PM
SageMorrigan SageMorrigan is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 16
My favorite thing ever shown to me from the spirit world was when I was in a room and the room flashed with all of these blue flashing stars. I didn't know what it meant, I just figured it had to do with the dead, so I wasn't shocked, as I'm used to communication with the dead and all etc. The lights flashed for awhile right in front of me. Blue stars flashing lights. Like the blue lights on a cop car at night. If you hold a crystal up in the sunlight it makes flashing stars/lights that look similar. It was just these really beautiful flashing stars flashing in the room. Like a cop car. But for me. Something did that for me. There was also one other person in the room looking right at it when it happened. The other person didn't say a word or act like anything had happened. I don't know if they were just not saying anything, because neither did I, or if I'm the only one of the two of us who saw the lights that we were both looking right at. Can everyone in the room see these things when they appear? Or just certain people? Is the other person who was in the room with me a regular person? Or something else? I have two reasons to consider that the other person may be something more than just an average person, which can make sense in some way I just don't know how. Because for one thing I asked an authentic medium at Spiritualist church (most are not authentic in my opinion, or at least they can't seem to prove to be at all. And this one was authentic for definite sure.) And the medium said something that made me think that the person in the room with me wasn't just some regular person. So I asked once, alone, if they were. And a broken lamp turned on. Twice. That never turned on before.
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