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Old 28-11-2015, 12:53 PM
AlanN AlanN is offline
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Originally Posted by metal68
I think we are all searching but is it fruitless??

What if it all really has just come about by accident/fortune and there is no meaning or reason for it? That we really are just biological robots with this illusion that we are something more. We're here for 60 to 90 years (if we're lucky) and then gone for good? That it is almost a cruel joke that we are here at all in the first place. And of course there are no higher beings, spirit guides etc

I find it hard to believe there is no design (not sure about the designer) and that it's all happened by chance but the likes of Dawkins seem to argue their case persuasively. I haven't read his books, I suspect I would find it too depressing.

My gut feeling is we are all desperately searching for meanings and seeing faces in clouds etc when there is nothing there.

From what I have read, it seems quite easy to argue both sides. Rupert Sheldrake's The Science Delusion counteracts Dawkins. Sheldrake is an eminent scientist and just as knowledgeable as Dawkins yet takes an opposing view. Who is right? Who knows?
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