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Old 23-11-2015, 04:00 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
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Originally Posted by QuantumKev
I can totally relate to the way you are/were feeling when you wrote this, and even after a lifetime of spiritual seeking, still vacillate between KNOWING that Spirit/God/Oneness is real and thinking exactly what you wrote - that none of that is real, that there is no God/Great Spirit, that none of this means anything, and we are just bags of flesh, here for a brief moment and then gone - no meaning, no purpose, just that. And as someone who has suffered from depression myself, I can say that it does add to that belief that "nothing matters, it's all **."

If I may, I would like to recommend a book that speaks to a new paradigm of thinking about the true nature of reality and posits that consciousness is primary, not matter, and that matter arises from it - not the other way around.

This is something I can grab on to when I am in doubt, because as much as Dawkins and the other atheists and materialists like to think they can explain away everything via science, materialism and chaos theory, there is still not a fully complete definition and understanding of consciousness - where it really comes from, the nature of it, whether it has local or non-local properties. And if they try to say they have it figured out completely, they are lying, because many of the world's greatest neuroscientists and others are still working to figure out the enigma of consciousness.

Oh, and something else to look into to help re-kindle your wonder and belief in "strange" and extraordinary things - look into some stuff on quantum physics - entanglement, the dual slit experiment, non-locality, etc. Things happen at that level that break all the rules of current Newtonian science and open up a space where "impossible" things can - and do! - happen.

One last recommendation - have you seen the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know..?!" It's a great introduction to all of this - biocentrism, quantum physics, the primacy of consciousness - and gave me a lot of hope and spiritual "boost" when I was in depression and doubt and really needed it. It might just be a little "medicine" for your soul - if you watch with an open mind : )

Hang in there friend, and if all else fails, remember (or find out about) Pascal's Wager - if you believe in God and live you life as such, and there really isn't one, what will you have lost at the end of your life? What might you have gained? But if you live your life as if there is no God and truly believe that there isn't one, only to find out in the end that there really is a God and that belief was false, what would you have lost out on...? Something to ponder...

Many Blessings...


How could consciousness arise from matter, when matter pre-exists organic formation, which is the consciousness reviewing its own status?

You then consider why a human being gave their own selves this impression, from study of matter.

You would then need to ask the human being, how did you study matter, when your own organic life never even existed as a form of self and the expression of self?

The human would reply, that they used their own conscious presence a human organic vibration...chemical organic state and presence and formed information called consciousness. From this consciousness they created a computer program to use to study matter trying to find consciousness.

Yet consciousness already existing, placed their own self expression and self in contact with matter, and matter existing millions and millions of years before human life....fedback information to make the human being believe that consciousness began in matter....yet it did not. For they only returned the information through computer channels that they caused to be transmitted on the level of human awareness.....a feedback program itself. This was because they believed in artificial intelligence communicating to them as Scientists via the feedback program...yet they created the artificial program. Information was therefore fake.

Who is to blame for this consideration.....only the scientists who believed it.

You would then ask this scientist, how do you consider that a human being, whose ancient information gives all quantities that belong to modern day scientific expression.....gained this information?

The review states, a human being gained this information by being natural...without computer programs and used all spiritual references that were self implied by the consciousness....spirit.

The information advises its own did such information arrive in the human awareness...especially when the human never existed in the preceding states of matter as personal awareness.....spirit.

Therefore self awareness discusses all experiences that allows its own personal witness to its own conscious identity.

You then inquire, how does a spiritual human being believe in spirit...the reply is self experience and also confirmation of information.

The ancients demonstrate that they confirmed the information via the evidence of their own spiritual wisdom. You ask them how they gained this wisdom....and it was gained via their own self presence.

Therefore the story of spirit has a truth to it regarding the expression of conscious awareness and the ability to know history via the evidence given in spiritual channeling.
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