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Old 20-11-2015, 12:00 PM
Emmalevine Emmalevine is offline
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I've recently made the transition to veganism and it's something I'm very happy about. I've gone backwards and forwards from omni to veggie for much of my life due to being torn between my desire to be vegetarian for the animals sake, and needing to be as well as possible due to having chronic health conditions. I appreciate everyone's path is different, but for me, finding a path that ensured I did not end up in a worse state of health than I already am was just as important as considering the ethics of animal welfare. Maybe that's hypocritical of me, but it's the truth.

Anyhow, I have made the transition and discovered that as long as I'm very careful to keep my protein intake at a good level, my health isn't any worse and so far I have seen improvements in various symptoms. I don't get so many migraines and I don't get gastritis after nearly every meal like I used to. I am very addicted to sugar and in the past I may have eaten too many empty calories meaning that I wasn't eating enough protein. As long as I am careful, my body seems happy. I eat lots of legumes, grains, nuts, seeds and of course vegetables. I can't tolerate much fruit.

Compared to a non-vegan lifestyle, I feel so much happier. After doing more research on the animal industry it wasn't hard to make the leap from omni to veggie to vegan. Eating eggs supports the killing of unwanted chicks plus cows are kept impregnated to produce milk, then their calves are taken away. I don't want any part of it anymore. I'm slowly trying to change my toiletries, clothing, footwear etc but it has to be a process, one bit at a time.

I don't find a vegan diet to be boring. Far from it. It's much more interesting to me as I can work with a variety of colours, textures and tastes which is so much more creative than relying on a chuck of meat or a boiled egg. It's an endless sea of discovery as far as I'm concerned. And nothing is better than knowing I've made the best decision for myself, the animals and the planet. Whether this works for everyone remains to be seen. I don't like to assume everyone can tolerate a vegan diet. When my digestive system was shot to pieces I couldn't tolerate many legumes but slowly it is healing through probiotic supplements and taking stock of the stress in my life. Some people might feel the need for animal products and that's a reality I don't like to ignore because I understand the issues involved. All any of us can do is the best we can with our level of consciousness.
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