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Old 17-11-2015, 07:24 AM
abundanceoflove abundanceoflove is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 6
I love reading about all of your experiences, everyone. It's awesome to know that other people are open minded to synchronicity.

Synchronicity is literally in my life everyday, for example.. I can be thinking of a question in my head and seconds later see my spirit number, clearly answering me. That is a small fragment of what I experience on the daily.

One of my favorite synchronicity stories happened last September. Between the months of June-September, I had been talking to a guy. The 'relationship' was rocky and always up and down. Because of this, multiple future plans had fallen through. One of our plans was to go camping together at a musical festival together. By the time September(the month the camping festival was happening in) rolled around, we weren't on talking terms. I was going into this festival with the thoughts "This festival is for me!! If i see him, cool. If not, that's alright too!" Moments after thinking these words to myself, my group and I were assigned to our camping spot, pull up and I immediately feel overwhelming energy pulsating from the outside of the left side of the car. The car comes to a stop, and I slowly turn my head to the left to face our weekend neighbors...and guess who was looking straight at me....yup....the guy I had been talking to. Haha, seems small but we both traveled out of state to go to a MASSIVE festival and I just so happened to be parked right next to him. Coincidence? I think not.
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