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Old 16-11-2015, 09:54 PM
chuckld chuckld is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 3
This type of dream may represent you feeling like you're watching things happen in your life and that you need to step in instead of being a spectator...

Or it could be a type of "remote viewing"?....difficult to tell, I don't believe I have had this experience while asleep and I definitely have had some headscratchers...

One thing I try to pay attention to is "is this a dream-dream"...or "is this a premonition?"....

Sometimes I dream about things that end up happening to me and the way to ell the difference is if I change rooms and the scenery changes with no consistency to what I know the environment to actually be...

Off hand, it sounds like you could be viewing things from another persons perspective and hopefully some of these things don't actually end up happening in real life...the true telltale is the dream about a girl standing in front of a mirror fixing her hair - if this dream has the same feel as the dream with the shootings then it gives you a clue as to what you are actually experiencing...

And make no mistake. These dreams are definitely experiences...It just depends on what type of experience it is and how you can tell the difference between a dream being a journey, premonition, metaphorical message or a viewing(so-to-speak)...

I don't know if this helps, but maybe I can give you insight as to what you might want to look for the next time you experience this...
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