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Old 04-02-2011, 04:56 PM
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TAO STONES for Only me 2 2/4/11

question presented was
"What should be my next steps in life?"
The Tao will not directly answer but will guide you with wisdom.

I chose for you


WOOD is about being flexible. Wood is that which fuels fire and helps to create the earth itself. The flexibility of the elements and the ability to spring back when storms blow through.
FIRE is death and rebirth. But from ashes new life emerges.

Everything has it's beauty, but not everyone can see it.

Along the banks of the river
I cut down the tree-branches.
While I couldn't see my lord
My heart hungered for him.

Along these raised banks
I cut down the slender twigs.
I have seen my lord,
He did not cast me out.

Look carefully at what it is that you desire. From a distance it can seem so attractive. If when you drew closer, it is still as desirable, you will know it is right for you. Do not hurry. Take your time.
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Okay I believe beauty is a personna and to see is to gaze on things we personally believe to hold beauty. Banks of the river seems to be what is holding the emotions in check or keeping them in a safe place. To cut down is to remove, discard or kill something. Heart hungered means to me emotional starvation, lacking love, aching to be with or near somehing or someone. Raised banks means these emotional issue and feelings are becoming elevated. Slender would be small narrow even graceful and delicate. Twigs is of course young but yet vital to the tres with the tree being the bodyand mind. And of coure to cast out is to discard, to hurl or to make someone or a thing be unimportant.

What I beleive it all is saying is to not discard anything or any person because you don't believe them to be beautiful or worthy of your time and energies.The real beauty in the person or thing may be found on the inside and in the heart of the matter.It is saying there is something you are desiring and or it has caught you eye and emotions. Be sure to look within and see the entire package whether it is person, place or thing. Find the inner workings, the magic inside of it before you decide it is not what you wanted after all.
But if it is about romance,It is saying be careful and cautious and to proceed slowly. Make sure it is what you truly want after all. Attraction is one thing, staying power is another. You might let a lump of coal be discarded when in fact it is the real unpolished diamond.
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