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Old 04-02-2011, 04:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Uhmar said, "I then take it further though..I look at the big picture.....all the symbolism...then add that and interpret the Tao wisdom with the symbolism and my intuition to get my take on it all."

That part that was the coolest... you nailed it. Interpreting using intuition has always stumbled me when I try it...used to practice tarot but never 'got it.' So I just look at the pretty pictures.

Also I admire your humility. Very Taoist I might add. I heard somewhere that "If I Think I have humility; then I don't." But you give all the credit to the Tao. I find this immensely beautiful.

It helps me learn even more about Tao by seeing it in you.
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