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Old 04-02-2011, 02:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by dogninja
I work in a shelter. I quit eating meat due to my friendships with animals, too make a long graphic story short. Simply dealing with the daily amount of euthanasia and human apathy pushed me to stop. When people become aware of the amount of suffering many animals endure, they should stop eating things that create suffering.

I am not vegan but I try my best. Soon. For me it has been a process as well.

This was similar to my story. I used to work as a zookeeper. In the course of my career I worked with all sorts of animals, many of them very closely related to the ones we routinely use as meat. It just got harder and harder to protect and nurture them all day and then go home and eat them.

I eat vegan some days but it's hard for me to go completely that route, for various reasons. I do try to pay attention to the source of my dairy and eggs. Eggs are easy as my boss has the most spoiled flock of chickens on the planet - they are not suffering at all. Dairy is trickier and I tend to try to only buy from companies I've researched if those products are available and limit my consumption. And I know there are SO many ways that cruelty is present in the products we buy, even in vegetable harvesting, but I try my best to make a little difference at least.
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