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Old 10-11-2015, 06:35 PM
amitc amitc is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 753
I would love to give this a go! I would love to develop my mediumship skills but don't really know what I'm doing or how to 'tune in' so I'm just going to go with what comes to mind...

1. Where is this building located? - Either somewhere in Ontario or the northern states like New York. (There are places I've seen like this in Kingston)
2. Who occupied the residence? Type of people? Family? Business? What was it? - I feel like originally it was a family residence, but was later turned into a business. Perhaps a few different things over the years. Doctor comes to mind.
3. What can you feel from this photo. Past energy? - A distinguished looking man, white mustache, but with a softer side. Family, someone sick (perhaps female), and younger girls (2)? Some form of authority involved and important decision making?
4.How old? Mid to late 1800's into 1930's as a residence. Still running now but as a place of business.

yeah I dunno. I'm just curious! haha

Thank you for this!