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Old 06-11-2015, 06:40 AM
anditmakesmewonder anditmakesmewonder is offline
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Most bizarres/unusual synchs/signs you ever had


I was doing my usual drawings when I decided to do something uncommitted letting the mind just flow. So I did some scribbling, almost calligraphy like(almost shapeless) and very tiny. As I looked to it I saw a man strangulating a woman. I proceed to sketch a simple figure of it. I got another paper sheet and did some more sequential sketches, nothing high quality, just letting creativity out.
Later when I was done I share w/my mother to see if she could get what story the images were telling. She immediately said: there's a couple embracing each other. At this point the shapes were decent enough to understand, but I then explained, "No, you need to see the other ones. He's embracing her, but she's dead." I explained how in the first figure he was strangulating her and then he finally let her go, but it's too late. She's dead. Then he's sad and regrets it and holds her, the lifeless body. And so in the final figure. He's holding her as if she alive in a loving manner, maybe in denial, lamenting, etc.
Obviously my mother was like, "Geez, how morbid, why would draw these figures?" So I explained about the scribbling thing and she looked at me: you saw(imagined) all this just looking at this thing?!"
Yes I did, I'm writing(or at least trying to) a novel, unrelated to these drawings, so I wrote down question about motivations for the crime, regret, etc for later maybe. (I also think of writing a compilation of short stories.)

Anyways...this was 2 days ago. The day after my drawings were done I saw a piece of news about some girl that was killed by her boyfriend but I didn't gave much attention to it. And today by chance I was watching tv when the same news came up, and so I see the boyfriend crying, saying she had beaten him(fight/argument) and he lost control and strangulated her. Basically from what I saw he killed her but kept her body w/him for 2 days and then called the cops and plead guilty. (like "I did it, I did it, arrest me, I'm guilty!" and crying)

I was like "woah!", this is like one of the most bizarre coincidences/synchronicities I ever had. I never did any drawing portraying a situation like this before. I felt weird after hearing the news in details and I totally don't want to use the idea anymore for any story/novel.

If the real boyfriend really regrets his actions I can't be sure(if I was to judge by his face and voice tone alone I'd say he does regret it and is despaired...the type of situation that may even end up in suicide, but there's also the sense of "needing to pay for"), but the one from "my story" a couple of days before the real thing became news surely felt awful about doing it but in my mind the girlfriend had already forgiven him. How bizarre is that?
She was already dead when I did the drawings, but it wasn't news yet.


I was once drawing aimless and it was shaping into a deceased celebrity face, sad expression. Then I did a figure wearing an odd suit. Later I was under the impression that it was someone's birthday, I asked my mother if it was someone's birthday, maybe a relative, etc. Nope. I think I kept wondering for quite a while then I gave up.
Hours go by and then I see people online remember that deceased celebrity 'cause it was his birthday and I had no idea. Even more bizarre that he used to be in a tv show I never got to watch, 'cause it was aired before I was born and I've never seen it airing here in my country so I decided to check it out. At some point he was wearing the odd suit I had done in the series pilot and he even sit in a position and expression similar to what I had sketched.


I was drawing another figure wearing exotic clothes, then I got across an album cover depicting almost the same figure and the clothes. And the singer(person in the cover) that I had never heard before was in my country w/a concert scheduled for the day after.

Another recent synch, at least one that isn't tragic and I'd say harmless, was that I was searching details about an old movie I had watched a couple of years ago that is an adaptation of Orpheus tale.
(I was thinking about it 'cause when I was watching it while brushing my hair for whatever reason I had pictured —there was this big sense of deja vu — in my mind a blond long haired man doing the same thing, as if he was me and a feeling that by all means he(me) wasn't a good person, but an arrogant one.)
The following day when I was checking my spotify discover playlist(that changes every monday) there was a song called Orpheus. I had never heard of the singer before. (good song btw)


I know some synchs/signs all in all seem to be meaningless. Like the repeating numbers/angelic numbers whatever they're called. I think I've seen all possible combinations lately. However I invite you guys to share your stories here, the most bizarre or unusual or confusing synchs/signs.
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