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Old 27-10-2015, 03:48 PM
metal68 metal68 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 762
Its a strange one because the brain could be manufacturing the NDE/OBE/Mediumship experiences to be so utterly convincing they really appeal to be real but they still could be nothing more. There are plenty of OBE practitioners & astral projecters who are adamant that it is just imagination and all the entities incl deceased loved ones are just figments of the mind

Id love there to be a spiritual world but I don't trust the brain; I fear it!! It could be responsible for creating false hopes and we are unable to tell otherwise!

We really do need to record something either video or audio that confirms something external to just personal observation ie a ghost on film. I personally don't think we have yet to take a single photograph of the supernatural

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