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Old 03-02-2011, 12:53 AM
Posts: n/a
astronomy/astrology 101

Hello all,
I have a basic understanding in both these areas but had a couple questions that maybe you all can help me with.
I think its called the Southern Star, but I have always noticed 1 or to stars/planets that have stood out in the sky. I am in NE Nevada and one in particular that really draws me in. It is the brightest star shining from about midnight-6am and usually the last to take its leave. Is this Sirius?
Also, for 2 years I have been hearing about the pole shift and last night on Coast to Coast they said that airports are being reconfigured due to the Auto navigation equipment that is gauged on Magnetic North. I heard that it has moved 40+ feet. I might have to dig out an old compass and mark the settings but was wondering if any of you have heard about this?
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