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Old 19-10-2015, 01:25 AM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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Interesting thoughts everyone - Thank you so much.
I've did Divination around it and continue to be rather mystified.
The actual land and house went to my aunt and uncle who immediately sold it to a neighbor. So it didn't stay in the family at all.

So I agree it's something else, an embodiment of a trait perhaps. My grandmother was a very loving cheery woman who hardly every had a thing to say which wasn't positive and supportive.

There were issues around her passing, her children were growing tired of her being so long lived and needing a bit more care each year. She lived in her own home and never went to a retirement home. They were not discrete enough to keep these inner thoughts to themselves and she picked up on them and told me about them in the final weeks of her life.

It's come into my mind and I've mark it as such on the calendar as somehow having to do with an elapsed time from awakening to now. January 9th 2016 it will be 49 months since I awakened spontaneously and profoundly. So in 3 months.

It would make sense perhaps that she would contact me to in some way let me know if I can keep my frequency high that it will become irreversible as enough time will have passed for the brain to become re-programmed to it's new state or something.....

Buddha under the tree for 49 days sounds relevant somehow.
There's something about X-amount of days to form or inform a habit or way of thinking also.

It's also occurred to me that there are many people becoming interested in me, not all for my higher good perhaps, or theirs but instead sort of an owning/being associated with or possessing me. I sense a new chapter unfolding these days. Perhaps it relates to that somehow....

Thank you all again for your thoughts, I hope the time for it is soon or I'll never remember it long enough to solve it if it's 49 months from the time of the dream. lol
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