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Old 17-09-2015, 12:53 AM
LeoAngel LeoAngel is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 59
I usually try to ap in my room but in a different position than I normally would sleep.. I've also tried it on the floor and also tried doing it while propped up.

Yes I did go through the links and have tried to test the different methods.. Still none are working. :(

I just keep falling asleep. or else I end up awake trying to concentrate.

Here's my question though.
I can lay down completely relaxed but then I get that urge to move or roll over.
I have found a website that talks about that urge and they said if you can get through the urge and stay still long enough then your body will go asleep and you can project. They say it's the brain's way of checking to see if you are asleep or not.. If you move or roll the body and brain knows you're awake.. if you don't the body will go to sleep.

I've tried it but the urge to roll gets very strong and almost painful.

"The Roll Over Signal

If the mind is asleep, then mind does not respond and the body decides that the mind really is asleep and shuts down. If the mind does respond to the roll over signal and you move, then the body knows the mind is still awake and does not fall asleep. So this a major mistake that you need to avoid: Never respond to the body’s roll over signal because it sends a message to stay awake rather than fall asleep. This can be difficult because the signal can become so strong that it’s excruciatingly painful."

What do you guys think?

I really wish I can get through the urges to roll.. but they do become painful and I always do
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