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Old 09-09-2015, 01:24 AM
LeoAngel LeoAngel is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 59
So the methods I first were using were right before bed. I would relax my body then feel my heartbeat and feel the heartbeat in my hands, feet and whole body.
Then I began to concentrate on the visual sight- looking at my closed eyelids, then switch to listening, then switch again to my physical body. This was to help my concentration level.
Then I would picture myself getting up and walking across my room. Feeling the carpet under my feet and touching objects i know very well like my dresser or closet.

I do want to say that I again did the lucid AP.. AGAIN

It was early morning.. I woke up. Focusing on ap.
Then i went into a dream state.
I clearly remember looking off the side of my bed and seeing my dog..
I know it really wasn't my dog because my door is closed and she sleeps with my mom.
BUT what is interesting is that the concentration on my dog was enough that i was able to roll my body out again- heavily and walk to my living room.

Everything was dim vision because it was night.
I remember walking towards the family room trying to figure out of I was aping so I sort of jumped in the air and was able to glide through the air where I landed back on the ground. I then asked for my spirit guides- but none came
So I attempted to walk out to my backyard and I felt myself being stopped by the back door. I pressed my head against the glass and tried to figure how to get out.. THEN i pretended to open the door and was able to get out.

Now this is where I think I went into a dream state and lost my ability to keep consciously in control. Because i was soaring up and looked down at my horse corral and all the gates were open. I panicked thinking my horse was loose but then I found her and floated down to her where i hugged her... BUT then I awoke in my body on my bed and was unable to AP again.
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