Thread: Spiritual UFOs
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Old 02-11-2006, 07:28 PM
georgek georgek is offline
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Originally Posted by Enlightener
I'm interested to see these photographs of yours george, can you tell me what the interactions were like when you met the beings?
Originally Posted by Enlightener


I remember reading a book called Flying Saucers Had Landed by George Adamski The authenticity of which you can take with ' a pinch of salt'

Long shadows were streaming through my bedroom window as the sun was beginning to set. I pondered over the subject of UFOs and just accepted them.
So one evening I set up a sky watch in my back garden in the early hours of September 1965.

I was only fifteen at the time and had a large lamp made from an old bedside lamp placed in a galvanised washing tub acting as a reflector. I also had a camera with me.

It was a warm night with a clear sky with not a 'breath of wind' when I saw a speck of light moving west to east. To me....everything that moved was a UFO unless proved otherwise. Obviously I now understand that it could have been anything, yet kids of fifteen back then were probably as wise as a nine year old today. Life was much simpler then. People trusted more....and were more open minded. Maybe too much so, because innocence provided an open mind.

I flashed at it, believing that if it was a UFO it would see me. This went on for over fifteen minutes and the speck of light had long gone, but I still kept flashing a series of flashes into the dark night sky.

Then suddenly the ground was bathed in a beautiful blue light that pulsed and flickered for about four seconds. It was like daylight, as I could see every detail of the soil that my Father had dug earlier on.

My legs started to shake and my body trembled with fear, yet I stood my ground and pretended that I was not afraid. Then my legs began to buckle, so I thought if I walked towards the house, pretending that I was not really bothered, then I would keep my respect.

As I walked towards the house, an emblem of white light projected onto the facing wall. It consisted of a white oblong with a semi circle below. All with clear outlines, which lasted for about three seconds.

My friends had just started a UFO club and printed some ID cards. Then I told one of my friends about the emblem, he took a card out of his pocket and showed me a very similar emblem on the card, telling me that it was the groups mew logo. It was the same except the hemi-circle appeared more triangular.

This was the beginning, as pictures started appearing on my films. Then more and more sightings followed. I would ask them who they were, and were they came from and strange pictures would appear on my film, including entities and areal views. Yet there has never been any physical contact with them. I have so much information that I cannot possibly contain it all in this post.

Other ways of interaction were through, telepathy, as my friend was a telepathic clairvoyant.

They also conditioning of our minds. We were told that we were chosen because of our outstanding abilities and that we had important work to do. That we would be trained and the time would come when our tasks will be completed.

Nearly forty years have gone by and it still burns inside me, as the quest for truth continues.
