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Old 22-08-2015, 02:30 AM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Over the Rainbow
Posts: 2,730
Oh, and Adrienne, I think it is individual to the channeler if they want to channel the Sky People, the dearly departed, or the living. I know for me, I have no interest in being a medium. I did at first, but got over it, or maybe there is a fear there...I had the strangest dream when I first learned to channel that freaked out me, so yeah, not for me. I tried telepathy, but didn't get very far with that, and you really have to have someone you know to practice on that is in on it, otherwise it is intrusive (at least it seems that way to me) But I think everything and anything is possible if you have the desire.

then there are those that are just born that way :) or develop it out of the blue, or have a near death experience that opens them up...things of that nature. I think of that as a gift, more than anything else. We can all access these gifts, but some of us don't have to try as hard to learn, and are naturally "gifted".
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