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Old 19-08-2015, 03:37 PM
Black_Onyx Black_Onyx is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 40
Originally Posted by Asrai
For Black Onyx:
If Lion is your Animal Totem;

You are fiercely independent, confident and in control which is balanced by a quiet demeanor. You are also a creative and influential force and have the internal power to make positive (or negative) changes in your life and the lives of others around them. Most Lion Totem people are very loyal, and will defend friend and family honor to the death.

If this doesn't fit your personality, then Lion is probably just a messenger for you.

Thank you for that Asrai. That's very accurate. I'm a fiercely loyal and passionate person, not just towards friends and family but towards anything I beleive in. I definitely would fight for what is close to me to the death. I also always have to be in control.
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