Thread: Palm Reading
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Old 18-08-2015, 08:37 AM
Dragonsong Dragonsong is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 74

I just watched a very good documentary on the subject, there were eight people (The readees If you like) all with various diseases, some very serious, some unusual, they had three people, to do the readings one was a professional palm reader, she could only see the pictures of the palms, but no cheating (cold reading ) She got 1 out of 8 right, next there was a pretend palm reader, using techniques like cold reading, got 3 out of 8, but the surprise was the last one, a professor, who had studied links between palms and fingerprints with certain diseases, using these techniques from her research she got 8 out of 8, They also measured the life lines on 100 dead people, and there was no correlation, between the length of the life line and the age at death. I found it all very interesting.
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