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Old 09-08-2015, 11:06 PM
QuantumKev QuantumKev is offline
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Originally Posted by MIND POWER
I believe we are in the mist of a shift, this does not even have to be looked at as spiritual. The pole shifts are already happening, and the Sun is also changing it's behavior which all effect the environment we live in. Their are afew things which affect human DNA (Epigenetics), at-least in this fallen state.....

And those things are food, lifestyle and environment. And as we speak are environment is slowly being changed by nature itself, the earth's electro-magnetic fields and the very light we are being bombarded with is all changing the environment! environment changes we change, we are adaptive physically and even metaphysically in my opinion.

I think the earth is in a state of chaos on a fundamental level which precedes the physical (Maybe their is a tug of war, maybe not on this energetic level) but which with our primitive senses we can't quite see with our eye's. But with our emotions, maybe we can pick up on these changes. Maybe some of us just intuitive know that something is happening......

Maybe mother earth herself has kind of had enough, and is doing away with this latest epoch. At the end of every great civilization, ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks, roman's you name it.....

There seems to be a rise is chaotic and confused behavior (Before they fell or mysteriously disappeared), which really is not progressive to humanity. And if you look around the world, whether it be society even in some sections of New Age spirituality these things are happening. I think this is just symptom of showing up who has learned and who has not!

But me personally i think its important that people (Individual) focus on what they want their future to be, and not get sucked into waiting for something to happen! individual consciousness i have a sneaky idea has just as much power and influence as collective consciousness.

Yes so something is happening, but i am not going to sit around waiting for weekly broadcasts....

This is my life, and i got this...

And so have you.

Great post MIND POWER - thank you. I too have felt for some time that Mother Earth herself has grown tired of the "parasite" that humanity has become, the way we have poisoned and abused her for our own "comfort" without thought of her or her creatures, and is perhaps getting ready to swat us like a mosquito lol. And I think she 'knows' which of us have been particularly irritable to her.

I don't know that I have quite the confidence you do that "I got this," but I do have confidence in a Higher Power that has sustained, strengthened, guided and protected me for my entire life, and I have complete faith that Spirit will get me through whatever comes.

Many Blessings...

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
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