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Old 08-08-2015, 12:19 AM
sea-dove sea-dove is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Originally Posted by BlueCat
I'm very prone to be a victim of enery stealing and i believe to have stealed some energy but very unconsciously and feeling guilty of it. It's not new that i feel really tired after i slept enough, some entities or dead/alive people (?) suck my energy often. I have also mild chronic fatigue and very low blood pressure.
But... many real energy thiefs are really aware of what they are doing in my opinion.

Learn energy shielding and consciously cut energy links with people.

Staying in an aware state with your actions can help prevent you energy taking from others.. that in turn I think would help protect someone on a karmic level from this kind of action.

Those low on energy can be more drawn to energy steal and actually do also unconsciously absorb more energy with those who have more (it will flow to low energy places where its needed).

If you suffer from low energy, do also consider those you hang out with. Sometimes there may be a need to let go of some relationships which are sapping you. So consider how all your relationships are.

You could try boosting your blood pressure with natural licorice (which can have the affect of raising it) also make sure you always still well hydrated with water as low blood volume can be involved in this for some. If you do so, I suggest to avoid using lavender oil as that can be a problem when someone has low blood pressure, essential oils like rosemany, thyme and eucalyptus could be helpful for low BP.

There is a chakra involved in blood pressure, if you like me to scan you and feel what's going on there (though if you are low energy you may have many blown out/blocked a bit or small ones with are allowing less energy flow), send me a pm.
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