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Old 07-08-2015, 08:08 PM
CherryCherry CherryCherry is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 242
Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
It's emotional or spiritual fulfilment. If you were in an unhappy or abusive relationship being single would pribably be fulfilment for you. Its all about perspective.
I'm happily single through choice, so if 10 of Cups showed up for me I'd take it as I'm happy with that (I don't need no man ) and content with my (emotional) life, financially I'm closer to the 5 of Pents lol.

In the aspect of say 'the other woman/man' in an extra marital affair, depending on the other cards it may be the married partner staying with their spouse (in RWS) the couple are turned away from the people looking at the cards (I love symbology).

So I suppose it depends on surrounding cards and the situation.

Finally, other women with that mindset! ;)

I'm single too, and I am 100% sure that I'm not looking for anything in the future. However, I quite like this guy so I wouldn't mind either way - if nothing happened I wouldn't look back.

Still kinda confused as to what it means here, but your answer explains it better so thank you!
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