Thread: Palm Reading
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Old 03-08-2015, 01:06 AM
journey journey is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: chicago
Posts: 52
Hi all! I'm actually excited that so many have either been to a palm reader or even show interest in the subject :) I've actually done some palm reading myself and find it absolutely fascinating. Now I've never actually had my own palm read by another or even had any type of reading done but I like to work with this medium simply because it creates a strong connection for me.

There is so much information in your hands that each part is like reading pages in a book, you have to look at everything to understand the story. I'm not one to attempt to predict future events but just like anything, if you look at the past and present, you can come to some pretty strong conclusions based just on that. I still consider myself a novice but I occasionally read just for practice and if anyone asks.

What I've learned over the time that Ive been doing that is that the connection is not all just 'looking at lines', its much deeper-at least for me. Things just come to me that aren't on a persons hands, one person told me that it's my guides relaying information-inspiring it I guess. I don't know I just know that it's truly fascinating and well worth the time. The information can be very detailed, even emotional.

I always ask if the person is right or left handed simply because one hand is dominant and the other is passive. Just as Jack Yen said, your dominant hand is your fate, what was drawn out for you while the passive hand is your potential, your lines change throughout your life just as you make decisions that alter your course.

Anyways, everyone has their own way of doing it, just like in tarot or the many divinatory skills out there.

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