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Old 26-07-2015, 06:14 PM
Flute Flute is offline
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Originally Posted by metal68
I think we are all searching but is it fruitless??

What if it all really has just come about by accident/fortune and there is no meaning or reason for it? That we really are just biological robots with this illusion that we are something more. We're here for 60 to 90 years (if we're lucky) and then gone for good? That it is almost a cruel joke that we are here at all in the first place. And of course there are no higher beings, spirit guides etc

I find it hard to believe there is no design (not sure about the designer) and that it's all happened by chance but the likes of Dawkins seem to argue their case persuasively. I haven't read his books, I suspect I would find it too depressing.

My gut feeling is we are all desperately searching for meanings and seeing faces in clouds etc when there is nothing there.

People like Dawkins and Hitchens have argued their cases well because they speak of the material world and so evidence that is well grounded in the latest scientific discoveries and methodology. They have also debated many a time and although atheists still used terms like anti-theist as they have fought against religious dogma that they see as a destructive force to the future of building fair societies.

However, I have found over time to have one foot in the material world and the other in the spiritual. Through observation, or meditation, or experience etc if you have "evidence" that gives you personal meaning to this existence then perhaps go with it? If you find yourself saying things like this is a "personal truth" then it will be a faith based position - nothing wrong with that but trying to defend that position in a debate against Dawkins as a given truth will be extremely difficult as those arguments will be based on language which is of this material world.

Also in the search for meaning of existence then the personal place to start would be The Present. Whatever way that be you may find answers then to The Past (and perhaps even the Future?).

Oh and do read some of his books!! As well as others by Hitchens and Spiritual writings/texts also if you would like to. Well worth it in my opinion but everyone's journey is different so I'm sure with a positive intent you will find your own path.
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