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Old 09-07-2015, 02:13 AM
Deusdrum Deusdrum is offline
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Originally Posted by wmsm
What is a synchronized circumstance...other than a carefully planned circumstance. Why would a song sing about fireworks, and then fireworks be ignited at the very same moment. If it was simply 1 incident, then you could claim synchronicity, I was explaining that the situation did not just involve 1 incident...but several.

As I have also witnessed a UFO activated signal, and then gained a bodily attack, I do understand what I am relating as information both as a psychic awareness... a physical awareness and a spiritual awareness, that does not simply belong to a psyche review....but also the condition of light spirits healing me and informing me about the attack personally.

As this is a spiritual forum, the discussion is about the circumstance of being spiritually attacked.
wmsm if it was 1 incident, you could call it coincidence. That is small potatoes far as synchronicity goes. It gets much more interesting and multi-leveled/multi-layered than that, at least in my experience. Forgive me for saying so but I don't think you're really understanding what synchronicity means.

This is a a spiritual forum, and synchronicity is right up on in there to do with Spirituality, believe me. And this is the UFO sub-forum, a thread about "increased ufo sightings", not the 'spiritually attacked' thread if you want to split hairs and get technical about it.

My advice, which you haven't asked for I realize, so take it or leave it of course; would be to practice grounding exercises of some sort. You seem fixated on this one thing, and not to minimize it in any way, obviously it sounds like a traumatic situation for you. But I don't think it's healthy to obsess over it, at least that is my impression based on the posts of yours I've read in a few different places.

I think the universe throws us these signs disguised as miraculous coincidences. I don't believe it is some nefarious conspiracy, but more the nature of the time/space paradox game, how it works itself out to reach us and get our attention for whatever reason (or no reason at all). I've had ones that feel very much blessing, positive source oriented. I've had scary ones too, which i consider as warnings in a sense.

To my mind synchronicity happens. It is not a preplanned, sinister plot or scheme in and of itself, but more like a reflection of the inherent connectivity and higher order of all life and the universe. Timing is everything.

Anyways, all good things to you and yours. May only the good spirits guide you. ~*
What are the stars, but points in the body of God where we insert the healing needles of our terror and longing? - Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow
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