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Old 23-06-2015, 10:49 PM
LibbyScorp LibbyScorp is offline
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Angel1 .::+::. - Yoga Journal - .::+::.

.:: Namaste ::.
"I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace.
When you are in that place in you and I am in that place of me, we are one."

Hello. This is my yoga journal. Honestly, I needed a place where I could come nerd out about my life's passion. After most of my routines, I feel uplifted, vibrant and glowing. So much that the creativity flows and I want to express myself through writing and pictures. In this space, I will be posting everything from tips, articles, sanskrit study, meditations pre and post practice, yogi foods, quotes, music and la de da de da. I welcome anyone to do the same. The goal here is to inspire. To find and connect with those that share the love of yoga no matter what stage you are at. Even if you can't touch your freaking toes. Oh and after 12 years, I still can't do a handstand. No sweat. New yogi? Happy yoga journey to ya. Seasoned yogi? Share the wisdom :)

A little background history here....
Around 14-15 years old, I had found yoga as a good form of exercise. I had no idea the path that was beginning to unfold before me. By 17, I just couldn't get enough of it. The total relaxation of the muscles, alignment of the skeleton. The stacking of vertebre. With each inhale and exhale, movement with breath, I was becoming more aware of body. More aware of mind. Centered. At the age of 19, a whole new world opened up for me. This was a time of great turmoil in my life. No direction. Just a feeling of something greater out there. And at the point of fully giving up on it all... I surrendered. Surrendered my soul to god/whatever it is out there. And whatever is out there listened!! Yoga became this beautiful tool to spend time with myself, worship my body. To flow with the waves of negativity and positivity that life sends us. It allowed me to be open and receptive to healing power. Throughout my 20s, so far, has been a wild ride of exploration. The balance of the feminine. The masculine. Coming into grace. Realizing the strength of mind and manifestation. The study of energy and curiosity of all things metaphysical. Thank you, universe.

What makes me laugh is that sometimes I forget about yoga. We get so caught up in our thinking that it blocks us from what we know is true. From what liberates us. I go through cycles. For months upon months my practice will have solid foundation. It'll dwindle off into a few days here annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd oops, didn't go to class all month. Uhhhhh hmmm it's been 2 weeks since i've even stretched. "I'm so lost. What is wrong? Why? How? Where are the answers?!" It takes 5 sun salutations to get nice and centered. "Ohhhhhh. The answers are here. Within. Duh!" It's really so simple. It is here, though, where I rediscover my undying love and passion for yoga. Each time it happens, the experience becomes deeper, more profound. Ancient, sacred healing.

So here I am again. On this quest to cleanse. To purge and let go of all that does not serve me for the greater purpose. Maybe you people will continue reading this. Maybe you won't. But it'll be good for me to have something to return to. You know? When the going gets tough and I'm stuck in a rut. It happens. My heart overflows with grattitude from all that this path has lead me to. There is only more to come.

Truly looking forward to sharing.
In this moment,
I am free.

.:: Om Namah Shivaya ::.
"The mind has long been dissipated by worldly
things and does not easily come under sway.
But when one perfectly controls and fully withdraws the mind
from selfish cravings, one is in yoga, union with the divinity.
The mind of a yogi, totally focused on the true self,
is unwavering like the steady flame of a candle in a sheltered place.
When the mind becomes still and quiet, the self reveals itself.
At these depths, one experiences the joy and peace of complete fulfillment."
City and Colour - Grand Optimist
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