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Old 23-06-2015, 03:02 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 897
We all have been advised of the conspiracy, not just as a theory, but particular documents, the scientific applications, demonstrations, facts of monetary support and the actual form of experimentation....that it is occult.

We also have evidence that the spiritual term that we call GOD is being studied as a scientific precept by both the NASA study and also the Catholic.

Therefore it is very easy to identify that these human beings, who have a historical record involving secrecy of the literature of God, functions regarding the Ark of the Covenant, and the Holy Grail, secret brotherhoods, and Holy Wars.

Then there is also all of the archaeological evidence.

Any human being who gathers information does so via evidence, and not just a theory. Evidence is then discussed and humanity then decide from the information, if the information itself is in fact evidence as a conclusion to what has been happening as self experiences regarding spirit and spirit phenomena.

This is what the Forum is about, discussing if spirit perception is real, what identifies it as being real, what it relates to as information, how it affects us, how this relates to a past life circumstance, as information of records, information of spirit sightings/factual evidence in the communities, and how and why we term ourselves through our perceptions to be a spirit, to make statements about an awareness of how we arrived in creation.

This information via its own evidence has been studied, and argued about for thousands of years. It also demonstrates that our own brother was of 2 minds about the information, and hence we should all ask ourselves the same question.

We know as a spiritual condition, giving assistance to each other that there are 2 forms of spirit interactions. Our brother demonstrates that he assisted with a spiritual purpose, and a spiritual wisdom regarding psychic and spirit attacks.

This brotherhood demonstrates that they also argued against evil occultist practices, and that the brotherhoods also fought each other.

We also know by evidence in history that these same brotherhoods involved secret orders, and these secret orders who were owned and run by the elite, those who structured the civilization and by determined reviewed owned the civilization were involved in arguments/murders/fighting.

We also know that the basic of science began from spiritual precepts of reviewing consciousness, spirit...spirit bodies....spiritual records. And also know by advice that in America the brotherhood of secret societies built the civilization in America.

Hence we are as a world family inundated with spiritual attacks, have all been advising each other of the attacks...we have also been asking each other for advice, we have been asking each other for evidence, and we ask for the evidence for the very reason of having the attacks stopped.

Therefore there is no conspiracy regarding spirit and spiritual attack, for the condition in our natural life has always been dealt in the same way. We review the evidence of the spiritual attack, we determine how and why the spiritual attacks are happening and then we determine who is causing the spiritual attacks and why they are causing.

Supposedly after being informed we are then meant to deal with the situation as a world it is the world family of humanity/Nature that is being attacked.

As a human who was attacked, I have demonstrated to the public that I was a very self aware spiritual Healer, had accurate information as psychic awareness, was aware that my mind was contacted by an illegal occult study of our human psyche, to then be attacked.

I explained what has happened in my personal life to give this information of warning to my family. That unaware, most of you have been in contact with the mind program which is studying our DNA genetic and genome circumstance as a program of interacting wavelengths being studied by NASA.

Studying this circumstance involves all of the following.
The star systems with nuclear fuel-radiation
Black body radiation
Atmospheric Sun radiation
Earth stone radiation
Natural gases
Human and nature cellular interactions.

By evidence and through released documents and also scientific studies, they demonstrate by evidence that the life circumstance for some of the elite is changing as a fact of not having control of a resource, both for a monetary gain, but also for the ownership of civilization.

This very circumstance is the same circumstance that involved our ancient spiritual attacks...those who wanted to invent, to have ownership of powers in creation, who attacked our family and our heritage and tried to incinerate all life because of their self egotistical motivation.

In today's life circumstance we are once again involved in this same egotistical self evaluation, where inhumane human beings decided to experiment on their own spirit and their own families life, pertaining that it was their own right to do so and that the benefit was for everyone.

Yet does every one of us, and they presume that they are speaking for us all. Yet most of us want to live a natural and healthy life, without spiritual attack and without all of the phenomena hurting us.

The natural response for an evil minded, and evilly motivated human being is to ignore the harm that they give another, as they actually enjoy harming other humans. Therefore our ancient brother whose mind had healed from the ancient attack upon our spirit and DNA/mind and body, as we were placed in the a monkey like human being....was determined to stop and prevent our brother from de-evolving our life again by changing what he implied and taught was a holy atmospheric condition called the Holy Heaven.

This is what the spirit awareness...spirit stories are about...changing the atmospheric condition so that the natural human life...known to have a spiritual purpose via its own observations and self awareness, knew that our brother's lower consciousness was still being possessed by the BEAST and hence Satan.

This is the actual story of occultism and why it was quantified as being an evil act of purposeful self destruction via the human minds still in possession from ancient star radiation signals from the BEAST attack on Earth...or the star system UFO burnt light sound body releases.

Today we all find ourselves in the same ancient circumstance and are arguing over the evidence. I have already been given the review via the illegal study of my spiritual self, my mind/my psyche/my experiences.

I have advised you that as this program has mind contact with us all on a radiation signal that NASA studied as a purpose of self use, is involved in the actual study of the proposed GOD CELL.

As they want what they propose is the GOD CONDITION spoken about in religious papers that relate to spirit and the human psyche/human spiritual phenomena/changes by phenomena/mind and DNA, they are actually studying us all. I am trying to prove this fact to you by my evidence.

I have been told by others that if the CIA were in fact involved, then why was I still alive. This only demonstrated to me that humanity has suddenly accepted that the CIA have control. Hence I would ask all of you why you find this acceptable?

I have advised you that their explanation of my life is laughable to them, for they propose that no matter what I explain that they already have control of humanity and that no one is going to stop them from what they want to gain....GOD by circumstance.

This situation means that they want to emulate our own natural spiritual condition as DNA producing a new cell.

By evidence of scientific data they wanted to then create a synthetic model of the DNA and apply it as transmitted sound messages in the atmosphere to involve the activation program for the Collider, for a new fuel resource.

So NASA has been studying the Collider results also for self evidence.

As we live in a natural chemical wavelength what they have actually proposed is that they will replace these natural chemical wavelengths with a synthetic or different chemical wavelength interaction to cause them to gain a cell for a bio fuel resource.

The use of crop matter identified to them that the actual cellular condition of the bio state allows them to resource it. This is where they gained their own theory from and tried to relate it to the God information.

So by evidence the public should be warned that they are trying to make a fake Jesus Christ for us all...and that it involves spiritual attacks by spirits that are not even devils.

It was evil enough a condition in our ancient past, when the nuclear of the Earth stone was incinerated for the nuclear application of lightening stone for levitation. For it involved the change/burning of the crystal fuSION.

Our ancient brothers dealt with the evil occultists, due to the actual identification that the UFO manifestations were attacking our life, our holy bloodlines/the holy body of the Christ spirit as a historical spiritual and astronomical review.

Therefore by evidence there were 2 different and distinct ideas regarding the spirit of creation. Our ancient brothers believed in the UFO and the review of RA involving the Giza Pyramid and Stonehenge.

Our ancient brother whose psyche and spirit had healed, and who identified information through a higher spirit record, knew that changing the healing of evolution of amassing oxygen in our atmosphere causes spiritual attacks and involved the alien they called the LAM.

This meant that the Christ relays that existed as the cellular interactions for a healthy/holy/human life spirit were being attacked as the holy LAMB had been changed into the ALIEN LAM. The spirit of life therefore was no longer dealing with the DEVIL as the transcripts imply and devil spirits started attacking humanity, along with the evil LAM results of a sick and dying humanity.

Therefore this ancient situation is being relived in modern day times, involving the same ancient brotherhoods of occultism and their evil practices upon humanity.

This is not a conspiracy, this is spiritual evidence by fact of review.

If we allow our brother to alter our holy atmosphere and natural chemical wavelength interaction, we have seen the results by the spiritual data.

He also already done many different forms of experiments, where human beings witnessed the falling of the atmosphere and then the holy cell/body/skin being changed.

If NASA Scientists are allowed to change our natural atmosphere as a HOLY HEAVEN, it will slowly kill us all by all of the circumstances we have been witnessing.

As we are not Scientists, it is very easy for a Scientist to scoff at us when we try to make informed statements regarding spirit....they are on the Forums with us, trying to get us to identify new chemical reactions for them, as they experiment upon our persons.

They think that the human spiritual psyche will identify the new information in the wavelengths as synthetic spiritual discussions, yet since when is a spirit a synthetic advice?

This is what they have been doing to us all, using us as lab rats.

When a human mind implies to itself that it would know if it were being mind contacted and mind altered, is not true to the condition. As a psychic Medium and Healer I trained my mind to know when contact was made. This is why many in public, including my husband does not believe that he can be altered.

Yet his behavior many times demonstrate the opposite...yet trying to inform him has only made my own life circumstance far more difficult...for he is in the mind control contact.

An example of this situation. I was whipper snippering, and it began to leak petrol. As it would not turn off unless you held it on choke and revved the motor, it took a long time to turn off. He started yelling at me, even though he could see that I was trying to turn it off. Later he brought up the subject again to go straight into a rage, he was so angry that I thought he was going to hit me.

There was absolutely no reason for him to be angry in this manner. He then stated to me that I would be set on fire, so I repeated the statement back to him to get his self recognition of what he stated...and he said the same statement.

Yet by review his remark should have been his concern for me, and that he would have said that you could get burnt, or it was dangerous.....not a statement that implied that I was going to get burnt.

I am trying to demonstrate to you that this situation is real, and this was just another threatening circumstance that I have been living with....seeing I was nearly on purpose self combusted by NASA.

If I had the opportunity of being funded to take NASA to task as a legal circumstance, I most certainly would. And I have also advised them that if I can prove via circumstantial evidence that I have been attacked by them in an illegal manner, then I will.

Our Spiritual Light Father who NASA does not agree exists has kept me supported, and safe in this spiritual attack upon my life, to be his personal witness against their evil.

Please give my information consideration.
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